From Fr. Jody

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ! I am filled with deep joy, gratitude, and excitement as I begin my work as rector in this very special community, and I’m eager to see how the Holy Spirit will continue to move in and through us in this new season of shared life and ministry. I’ve loved meeting so many people and making so many special connections over these last few days, and I so appreciate your warm welcome and generous expressions of hospitality.

As I settle into my new role at St. Paul’s, I welcome your phone calls, e-mails, and visits—my door is always open, and I’d be happy to give you a tour of the newly-renovated office spaces! A quick personal update: we closed on our new home in Llanfair earlier this week, and our movers are scheduled to arrive at the end of this month. I bid your continued prayers during this time of transition for me and my family. Again, please know how honored and humbled I am to be trusted with this sacred mantle of leadership.

May God continue to bless and guide us in the light of his grace and glory!

Faithfully yours,


The Very Rev. Johnny W. Cook