What is a Pledge?
A pledge is a declaration of your financial commitment to the ministries of St. Paul's in the coming year. While donations of all kinds are appreciated, a pledge allows us to budget for the upcoming year.
How do I make a Pledge?
You can fill out a pledge card and submit by mail or in person.
Click here to download a printable pledge card.
You can make a pledge online, using the form at this link.
What does my pledge support?
Your pledge supports our worship and music, outreach ministries, programming and activities, administration, and physical plant expenses.
May I pay my pledge with stock or securities?
Yes, you can! Please contact Mrs. Brenda Ferguson in the church office to find out more.
Is my pledge binding?
Your pledge is a commitment which we rely on. However, we understand that circumstances may change without notice. If you need to adjust the amount of your pledge, either to increase or decrease, please contact Mrs. Brenda Ferguson in the church office.
Are my pledge and payments confidential?
Yes, your pledge and your giving are a confidential matter between you and the parish financial officer, Mrs. Brenda Ferguson. Individual giving is not reviewed by the clergy or other staff.